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EMS News

Savvik Buying Group

The Savvik Buying Group, formally known as the North Central EMS Corporation, is a non-profit organization owned by its members and formed to reduce the financial impact of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 within the EMS industry. Our mission is to provide members with a mechanism to achieve cost reductions, which has evolved into a group-purchasing program. Savvik values quality supplies and equipment for the members, at the industry’s best prices.

The phrase “at the industry’s best prices” plays an even more important role today than in previous years as the Medicare Fee Schedule took effect on April 1, 2002. Ambulance services across the country have seen a drastic reduction in their Medicare reimbursements which accounts for up to 75% of their revenue. This drastic reduction in revenue decreases their capital budgets and curbs their purchases if not determine their entire existence.

Because you are a member of NEMSA, you are automatically a Savvik member.  All you need to do is call Savvik and set up your account.  Take advantage of great prices @ www.savvik.com

Nebraska Emergency
Medical Services Association

PO Box 1732  \\  Hastings, NE 68902
Contact us at info@nemsa.org

© 2025 Nebraska Emergency Medical Services Association (NEMSA)