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About Us

Greetings from NEMSA!

As an organization dedicated to providing the highest quality pre-hospital care to the citizens of this state, we strive to serve the needs of our membership. Since NEMSA was organized out of the three previous EMS organizations in 1998, we have worked hard to meet our goals. Thanks to a lot of dedicated individuals, we have made a positive impact on prehospital care in Nebraska.

We need you as a member!

The old saying that there is strength in numbers is correct now more than ever. As I said before, we work hard to serve the needs of our members. We accomplish this by listening, and by keeping you informed on all aspects of EMS in Nebraska. Here are some of the things you can expect as a NEMSA member:

Educational Opportunities

NEMSA provides EMS education at our Super Conference in Kearney. We also provide support and funding for other educational opportunities across the state. We have worked hard to insure quality in our instructors and our class offerings.

Legislative Input:

Working with our lobbyist in Lincoln, we keep track of legislation that will have an impact on our EMS services and providers. Some of the bills we have supported and testified on your behalf on are bills concerning workman’s compensation, life insurance benefits, recruitment and retention of volunteers, and expanding the scope of practice for EMS providers. We have successfully lobbied for more funding from the legislature for EMS education, and continue to seek federal funding under the Homeland Security Act. We work closely with other organizations such as the Nebraska State Volunteer Firefighters, the Professional Firefighters, The Nebraska Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, The State Patrol, and the Health and Human Services System.

State Board of EMS:

In our work with the Board of EMS, we have made a positive contribution to rules and regulations governing EMS providers, EMS services and EMS training agencies. We have provided essential input in regulations that have made the “advanced modules” of the EMT curriculum optional, and thus reducing the class hours. We also pushed for the “Amnesty Rule” that eliminated the regulation that made those whose certification had expired retake the entire course. Through our Instructor’s society we were successful in passing legislation and regulations that certify EMS Instructors, and insure quality education of our pre-hospital providers. Working with our Advanced Providers we successfully supported legislation and rules that allow Intermediates and Paramedics to practice in hospitals and health clinics.

Provider recognition:

NEMSA provides many awards at our different conferences, including awards for EMT’s, Paramedics, Instructors, and Rescue Services. We also honor the best among us with the Leo O’Brien award, the Kenneth Kimball award, and the EMS Hall of Fame. Our Memorial Committee assures that those who have passed on are recognized and honored with candlelight EMS Memorial service.

Nebraska Emergency
Medical Services Association

PO Box 1732  \\  Hastings, NE 68902
Contact us at info@nemsa.org

© 2025 Nebraska Emergency Medical Services Association (NEMSA)